Linker for several 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit formats
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CAmiga::HunkFormat::BlockThe smallest unit of a Hunk file, it starts with a type word. A HUNK_END or HUNK_BREAK block is represented by this
 CDumper::ContainerA record whose values should be displayed together, as a collection
 CMicrosoft::PEFormat::PEOptionalHeader::DataDirectoryA data directory entry
 CDigitalResearch::CPM86Format::DescriptorA representation of segment group within the executable
 CDumper::Display< Ts >This class represents an entry that can be displayed in a file dump
 CDumper::Display< offset_t >
 CDumper::Display< offset_t, offset_t >
 CDumper::Display< offset_t, Ts... >
 CDumper::Display< std::string >
 CDumper::DumperAn abstract interface that separates structure and presentation of the data inside a file
 CMicrosoft::NEFormat::EntryRepresents an entry into the binary, typically DLL exported procedures
 CLinker::ExportedSymbolNameRepresents a symbol to be exported from the module
 CDumper::FieldA representation of a named value within a structure
 CO65::O65Format::Module::header_optionAdditional entries in the header
 CELF::ELFFormat::HobbitBeOSResourceResources for the prototype BeOS Development Release for the AT&T Hobbit
 CAmiga::HunkFormat::HunkThe smallest loadable unit of a Hunk file is the hunk, it roughly corresponds to a segment in other file formats
 CLinker::ImageRepresents an abstract data image whose data can be written to a file
 CDigitalResearch::CPM86Format::library_id(FlexOS only) A shared runtime library identifier
 CLinker::LocationRepresents a single offset within a section, or an absolute location in memory if the section is null
 CPCOS::CMDFormat::MemoryBlockRepresents a block of data in the file, also an end-of-block object is an instance of this type
 CAmiga::HunkFormat::ModuleModule is a program unit containing several hunks
 CLinker::ModuleEncodes an object module file as a collection of sections, symbols and relocations
 CO65::O65Format::ModuleA object file typically contains a single module
 CLinker::ModuleCollectorHelper class that collects object files and libraries, and includes library objects for required symbols
 CMicrosoft::NEFormat::ModuleReferenceRepresents an imported module in the module reference table
 CMicrosoft::NEFormat::NameA name and ordinal pair, as used for resident and non-resident names
 CCOFF::COFFFormat::OptionalHeaderAn abstract class to represent the optional header
 CMicrosoft::MZFormat::PIFConcurrent DOS embedded program information, produced by PIFED
 CLinker::PositionStores an absolute address along with the containing segment or address space
 CLinker::ReaderA helper class, encapsulating functionality needed to import binary data
 CApple::OMFFormat::Segment::RecordA single record inside the segment body, also represents an END record
 CLinker::ReferenceRepresents a reference stored in a linker script
 CCOFF::COFFFormat::RelocationA generic COFF relocation
 CDigitalResearch::CPM86Format::RelocationRepresents a single relocation
 CLinker::RelocationA representation of a value within some binary data that has to be fixed up once the exact position of certain symbols within memory is known
 CMicrosoft::MZFormat::RelocationRepresents a relocation entry in the header, as a pair of 16-bit words
 CO65::O65Format::Module::relocationRelocation entries
 CDigitalResearch::CPM86Format::relocation_sourceRepresents the location of a 16-bit words that needs to be relocated
 CLinker::ResolutionRepresenting a resolved relocation
 CMicrosoft::NEFormat::ResourceTypeWindows executables bundle their resources by resource type
 CBinary::CPM3Format::rsx_recordA single RSX record
 CDigitalResearch::CPM86Format::rsx_recordRepresents an attached RSX file (residential system extension)
 CCOFF::COFFFormat::SectionA COFF section
 CBinary::AtariFormat::SegmentRepresents a loadable segment in the binary
 CDigitalResearch::CPM8KFormat::SegmentRepresents a segment within the module
 CMicrosoft::NEFormat::SegmentRepresents an NE segment as stored in the segment table and segment data
 CCOFF::COFFFormat::SymbolA COFF symbol
 CLinker::SymbolDefinitionRepresents a symbol definition
 CLinker::SymbolNameRepresents an (imported or internal) symbol name, which can be more complex than a string
 CLinker::TargetRepresents a possible target or reference frame of a relocation
 CScript::Value< Type >
 CScript::Value< void >
 CMicrosoft::NEFormat::versionVersion number
 CMicrosoft::PEFormat::PEOptionalHeader::version_typeRepresents a version entry with major and minor versions
 CLinker::WriterA helper class, encapsulating functionality needed to export binary data