Linker for several 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit formats
►NAmiga | |
►CHunkFormat | AmigaOS/TRIPOS Hunk files |
CBlock | The smallest unit of a Hunk file, it starts with a type word. A HUNK_END or HUNK_BREAK block is represented by this |
CBssBlock | Represents the declaration block of a HUNK_BSS segment (hunk) that needs to be allocated and filled with zero at load time |
CDebugBlock | Represents a HUNK_DEBUG block |
CHeaderBlock | Represents the first block inside of an executable file, a HUNK_HEADER |
CHunk | The smallest loadable unit of a Hunk file is the hunk, it roughly corresponds to a segment in other file formats |
►CIndexBlock | |
CDefinition | |
CHunkEntry | |
CProgramUnit | |
CLibraryBlock | Represents a HUNK_LIB block |
CLoadBlock | Represents the load block of a non-bss segment (hunk) HUNK_CODE/HUNK_DATA/HUNK_PPC_CODE, containing a memory image |
CModule | Module is a program unit containing several hunks |
►COverlayBlock | Represents a HUNK_OVERLAY block |
COverlaySymbol | |
CRelocatableBlock | Represents the block that gives the memory loaded contents of the hunk (segment) |
CRelocation | |
►CRelocationBlock | Represents a block containing relocations |
CRelocationData | |
►CSymbolBlock | Represents a HUNK_EXT or HUNK_SYMBOL block |
CCommonReferences | |
CDefinition | |
CReferences | |
CUnit | |
CTextBlock | Represents the first block inside of an object file or a hunk. This class is used for HUNK_UNIT and HUNK_NAME blocks |
►NAOut | |
►CAOutFormat | UNIX/Linux a.out binary file format |
CSymbol | |
►NApple | |
CAFPDirectoryID | |
CAFPFileInfo | |
CAFPShortName | |
►CAppleSingleDouble | AppleSingle & AppleDouble |
CEntry | |
CComment | |
CDataFork | |
CFileDatesInfo | |
►CFileInfo | |
CAUX | |
CMacintosh | |
CProDOS | |
►CFinderInfo | |
CPoint | |
CIconBW | |
CIconColor | |
CMacBinary | MacBinary is an alternative format to AppleSingle for representing a Macintosh file on a non-Macintosh filesystem |
CMacDriver | This is not actually a file format, but an interface to permit generating multiple binary outputs for Macintosh executables |
CMacintoshFileInfo | |
CMSDOSFileInfo | |
►COMFFormat | Apple GS/OS OMF file format |
►CSegment | |
CDataRecord | Represents a CONST or LCONST record, containing a sequence of bytes |
CEntryRecord | Represents an ENTRY record |
►CExpression | |
Cprecedence | |
CExpressionRecord | Represents an EXPR, ZEXPR, BEXPR or LEXPR record |
CIntersegmentRelocationRecord | Represents an INTERSEG or cINTERSEG record, containing an intersegment relocation |
CLabelExpressionRecord | Represents an EQU or GEQU record |
CLabelRecord | Represents a LOCAL or GLOBAL record |
CRangeRecord | Represents a MEM record |
CRecord | A single record inside the segment body, also represents an END record |
CRelativeExpressionRecord | Represents a RELEXPR record |
CRelocationRecord | Represents a RELOC or cRELOC record, containing an intrasegment relocation |
CStringRecord | Represents a USING or STRONG record, containing a string |
CSuperCompactRecord | Represents a SUPER record |
CValueRecord | Represents an ALIGN, ORG or DS record, containing an integer |
CPEFFormat | PowerPC Classic Mac OS "PEF" file format |
CProDOSFileInfo | |
CRealName | |
►CResourceFork | A Macintosh resource fork |
CCodeResource | |
CGenericResource | |
►CJumpTableCodeResource | |
CEntry | |
CResource | |
►NArchive | |
►CArchiveFormat | UNIX archive format |
CFile | |
CFileReader | |
►NARM | |
CAIFFormat | ARM Image Format |
►NAS86Obj | |
►CAS86ObjFormat | Object format of Introl-C, output format for as86, used as an output by Bruce's C compiler from the dev86 package |
CByteCode | |
CChangeSegment | |
►CModule | |
Cversion | |
CRawBytes | |
CRelocatorSize | |
►Csegment_size_list | |
Coffset | |
CSimpleRelocator | |
CSkipBytes | |
CSymbol | |
CSymbolRelocator | |
►NBinary | |
CAppleFormat | BIN file for Apple ][ |
►CAtariFormat | EXE file for Atari 400/800 |
CSegment | Represents a loadable segment in the binary |
CBinaryFormat | A flat binary format, with no header, loaded directly into memory |
CCommodoreFormat | PRG file for Commodore PET/VIC-20/64 |
►CCPM3Format | CP/M Plus .com file format |
Crsx_record | A single RSX record |
►CFLEXFormat | FLEX .cmd file format |
CSegment | |
CGenericBinaryFormat | A template for flat binary formats |
CPRLFormat | MP/M .prl file format |
CUZI280Format | UZI280 file format |
CUZIFormat | UZI/UZI280 file formats |
►NBrocaD3X | |
CD3X1Format | Daniel Broca's D3X executable format |
►NCOFF | |
►CCOFFFormat | The UNIX COFF file format |
CAOutHeader | A standard 28 byte a.out optional header, used by DJGPP |
CECOFFAOutHeader | ECOFF optional header |
CFlexOSAOutHeader | Concurrent DOS 68K/FlexOS 386 optional header Concurrent DOS 68K uses the typical a.out header with two additional fields for the offset to relocations and the size of the stack |
CGNUAOutHeader | GNU a.out optional header TODO |
CMachineType | |
CMIPSAOutHeader | 56 byte long header used on MIPS |
COptionalHeader | An abstract class to represent the optional header |
CRelocation | A generic COFF relocation |
CSection | A COFF section |
CSymbol | A COFF symbol |
CUNIXRelocation | The standard UNIX COFF relocation format |
CUnknownOptionalHeader | A simplified class to represent an optional header of unknown structure |
CXCOFFAOutHeader | XCOFF optional header |
CZilogRelocation | A relocation, as stored by the Z80/Z8000 backend |
►NDigitalResearch | |
►CCPM68KFormat | The native executable format for the Motorola 68000 port of CP/M |
CRelocation | |
►CCPM86Format | The native file format for 8086 based CP/M derived operating systems, including FlexOS 186/286 |
CDescriptor | A representation of segment group within the executable |
►CFastLoadDescriptor | (FlexOS 286 only) The fast loading group (unimplemented) |
Cldt_descriptor | |
Clibrary | (FlexOS 286 only) A shared runtime library entry in the shared runtime library group |
Clibrary_id | (FlexOS only) A shared runtime library identifier |
CLibraryDescriptor | A special descriptor to represent the group for imported shared runtime libraries |
CRelocation | Represents a single relocation |
Crelocation_source | Represents the location of a 16-bit words that needs to be relocated |
Crsx_record | Represents an attached RSX file (residential system extension) |
►CCPM8KFormat | CP/M-8000 .z8k file format |
CRelocation | |
CSegment | Represents a segment within the module |
CSymbol | |
►NDOS16M | |
►CBWFormat | Rational Systems DOS/16M "BW" .exp file |
CAbstractSegment | |
CDummySegment | |
CRelocationSegment | |
CSegment | |
►Ndump | |
CAOutReader | |
CAppleReader | |
CCOFFReader | |
CCPM68KReader | |
CCPM8000Reader | |
CCPM86Reader | |
CDeterminer | |
CELFReader | |
CFileReader | |
CGSOSOMFReader | |
CHunkReader | |
CHUReader | |
CLEReader | |
CMachOReader | |
CMacintoshResourceReader | |
CMINIXAOutReader | |
CMZReader | |
CNEReader | |
CPEFReader | |
CPEReader | |
CReader | |
►NDumper | |
►CBitFieldDisplay | A value that is separated into bitfields, typically bit flags |
CBitField | |
CBlock | A region within a file that can be dumped, decompiled, and it may contain fixups |
CChoiceDisplay | Represents an enumerated value, with named options |
CContainer | A record whose values should be displayed together, as a collection |
CDecDisplay | Represents a field with a decimal display, usually indices into an array or similar, such as segment numbers |
CDisplay | This class represents an entry that can be displayed in a file dump |
CDumper | An abstract interface that separates structure and presentation of the data inside a file |
CEntry | A brief record, such as a relocation or imported library |
CField | A representation of a named value within a structure |
CFieldOf | A typed representation of a named value within a structure |
CHexDisplay | Represents a field with a hexadecimal display, typically bitfields, addresses, sizes, etc |
CRegion | A record that represents a region within the file |
CSectionedDisplay | A display with a prefix for a section |
CSegmentedDisplay | A value displayed as a colon-separated pair, typically 8086 segmented addresses |
CStringDisplay | A display for a fixed or variable length string field |
CVersionDisplay | A value displayed as a separated pair, such as a version number |
►NDX64 | |
CLVFormat | CandyMan's DX64 "Flat" and "LV" executable formats |
►NELF | |
►CELFFormat | ELF object and executable format |
CArray | |
CBlock | |
CDynamicObject | |
CDynamicSection | |
CHashTable | |
CHobbitBeOSResource | Resources for the prototype BeOS Development Release for the AT&T Hobbit |
CIBMExportEntry | |
CIBMExportTable | |
CIBMImportEntry | |
CIBMImportTable | |
CIBMResource | |
CIBMResourceCollection | |
►CIBMSystemInfo | |
Cos2_specific | |
CIndexArray | |
CNote | |
CNotesSection | |
CRelocation | |
CRelocations | |
CSection | |
CSectionContents | |
CSectionGroup | |
►CSegment | |
CPart | |
CStringTable | |
CSymbol | |
CSymbolTable | |
►CVersionRequirement | |
CAuxiliary | |
CVersionRequirements | |
►CFatELFFormat | FatELF developed by icculus (Ryan C. Gordon) to contain multiple ELF binaries for different architectures, not widely used |
CRecord | |
►NErgo | |
►CXPFormat | Ergo OS/286 and OS/386 "XP" .exp file (Ergo was formerly A.I. Architects, then Eclipse) |
CSegment | |
►NGEOS | |
CGeodeFormat | Berkeley Softworks GEOS or GeoWorks Ensemble or NewDeal Office or Breadbox Ensemble Geode file format |
►NJava | |
CClassFormat | |
►NLinker | |
CActualImage | |
CBuffer | A buffer that can be used to read and store data from a file |
CException | |
CExportedSymbolName | Represents a symbol to be exported from the module |
CFormat | A class to encode a general file format |
CImage | Represents an abstract data image whose data can be written to a file |
CInputFormat | A class that provides a general interface to loading a module |
CLocation | Represents a single offset within a section, or an absolute location in memory if the section is null |
CModule | Encodes an object module file as a collection of sections, symbols and relocations |
►CModuleCollector | Helper class that collects object files and libraries, and includes library objects for required symbols |
Cdefinition | |
COutputFormat | A class that provides a general interface to setting up generation for a format |
CPosition | Stores an absolute address along with the containing segment or address space |
CReader | A helper class, encapsulating functionality needed to import binary data |
CReference | Represents a reference stored in a linker script |
CRelocation | A representation of a value within some binary data that has to be fixed up once the exact position of certain symbols within memory is known |
CResolution | Representing a resolved relocation |
CSection | A section of data as read from an object file |
CSegment | A class representing a sequence of sections that must be written to the output file as a group |
CSegmentManager | A helper class to collect sections into segments |
CSymbolDefinition | Represents a symbol definition |
CSymbolName | Represents an (imported or internal) symbol name, which can be more complex than a string |
CTarget | Represents a possible target or reference frame of a relocation |
CWriter | A helper class, encapsulating functionality needed to export binary data |
►NMachO | |
►CFatMachOFormat | |
CEntry | |
►CMachOFormat | Mach/NeXTSTEP/Mac OS X (macOS) file format |
CGenericDataCommand | |
CLoadCommand | |
CSection | |
CSegmentCommand | |
►NMicrosoft | |
►CLEFormat | LE/LX .EXE linear executable file format |
CEntry | |
CName | |
CObject | |
►CPage | |
CRelocation | |
CResource | |
►CMZFormat | MZ .EXE format for MS-DOS |
CPIF | Concurrent DOS embedded program information, produced by PIFED |
CRelocation | Represents a relocation entry in the header, as a pair of 16-bit words |
CMZSimpleStubWriter | |
CMZStubWriter | |
►CNEFormat | NE .EXE new executable file format |
CEntry | Represents an entry into the binary, typically DLL exported procedures |
CModuleReference | Represents an imported module in the module reference table |
CName | A name and ordinal pair, as used for resident and non-resident names |
CResource | Represents a resource entry |
CResourceType | Windows executables bundle their resources by resource type |
►CSegment | Represents an NE segment as stored in the segment table and segment data |
CRelocation | |
Cversion | Version number |
►CPEFormat | Microsoft PE .EXE portable executable file format |
►CPEOptionalHeader | |
CDataDirectory | A data directory entry |
Cversion_type | Represents a version entry with major and minor versions |
►CW3Format | WIN386.EXE (TODO: not implemented) |
CEntry | |
►CMINIXFormat | MINIX/ELKS a.out file format |
CRelocation | |
CSymbol | |
►NO65 | |
►CO65Format | Output format for the 6502 assembler xa |
►CModule | A object file typically contains a single module |
Cexported_global | |
Cheader_option | Additional entries in the header |
Crelocation | Relocation entries |
►NOMF | |
COMFFormat | Intel Relocatable Object Module format, used by various 16/32-bit DOS based compilers and linkers, including 16-bit Microsoft compilers, Borland and Watcom compilers |
►NPCOS | |
►CCMDFormat | Olivetti M20 PCOS cmd/sav executable file format |
CLoadBlock | |
CMemoryBlock | Represents a block of data in the file, also an end-of-block object is an instance of this type |
CRelocationBlock | A block containing a sequence of relocations between two blocks, either the offset or segment parts |
CUnknownBlock | Represents the contents of a block whose format is not known or implemented |
►NPharLap | |
►CMPFormat | Phar Lap "MP" .exp and "MQ" .rex file |
CRelocation | |
►CP3Format | Phar Lap "P2"/"P3" .exp file |
CFlat | |
►CMultiSegmented | |
CAbstractSegment | |
CDescriptor | |
CDescriptorTable | |
CRelocation | |
CSegment | |
CTaskStateSegment | |
CRunTimeParameterBlock | |
CP3FormatContainer | Container for Phar Lap "P2"/"P3" .exp files, used when reading in a P2/P3 file |
►CPMW1Format | PMODE/W linear executable format ( |
►CObject | |
CRelocation | |
Cversion_type | |
►NScript | |
CList | |
CNode | |
CValue | |
CValue< void > | |
►NSeychellDOS32 | |
CAdamFormat | Adam Seychell's DOS32 "Adam" executable format |
►NUnitTests | |
CTestBuffer | |
CTestExportedSymbol | |
CTestLocation | |
CTestMZFormat | |
CTestReader | |
CTestSection | |
CTestSymbolName | |
►NX68000 | |
CHUFormat | Human68k "HU" .X file |
►NXenix | |
CBOutFormat | Xenix b.out executable |
CXOutFormat | Xenix x.out executable |
CFileReaderWrapper | |
CFileReaderWrapper1 | |
Cformat_description | |
Cformat_magic | |
Coutput_format_type | |
Cyy_buffer_state | |
Cyy_trans_info | |
Cyyalloc | |