Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- o -
- Offset() : Linker::Relocation
- OffsetFrom() : Linker::Relocation
- OnNewSegment() : Amiga::HunkFormat, AOut::AOutFormat, Apple::ResourceFork, Binary::GenericBinaryFormat, Binary::PRLFormat, Binary::UZI280Format, COFF::COFFFormat, DigitalResearch::CPM68KFormat, Linker::LinkerManager, Microsoft::LEFormat, Microsoft::MZFormat, MINIX::MINIXFormat, PharLap::MPFormat, PharLap::P3Format::Flat, X68000::HUFormat
- operator!=() : Linker::ExportedSymbol, Linker::SymbolName
- operator+=() : Linker::Position
- operator-=() : Linker::Position
- operator<() : Linker::ExportedSymbol
- operator<=() : Linker::ExportedSymbol
- operator==() : Linker::ExportedSymbol, Linker::SymbolName
- operator>() : Linker::ExportedSymbol
- operator>=() : Linker::ExportedSymbol