Linker for several 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit formats
This is the complete list of members for Archive::ArchiveFormat, including all inherited members.
AddSupplementaryOutputFormat(std::string subformat) | Linker::OutputFormat | virtual |
ArchiveFormat(std::shared_ptr< FileReader > file_reader=nullptr) (defined in Archive::ArchiveFormat) | Archive::ArchiveFormat | inline |
ArchiveFormat(std::shared_ptr< Linker::Image >(*file_reader)(Linker::Reader &rd, offset_t size)) (defined in Archive::ArchiveFormat) | Archive::ArchiveFormat | |
ArchiveFormat(std::shared_ptr< Linker::Image >(*file_reader)(Linker::Reader &rd)) (defined in Archive::ArchiveFormat) | Archive::ArchiveFormat | |
AsImage() const | Linker::Image | virtual |
AsImage() | Linker::Image | |
CalculateValues() override | Archive::ArchiveFormat | virtual |
Clear() | Linker::Format | virtual |
Dump(Dumper::Dumper &dump) const override | Archive::ArchiveFormat | virtual |
FetchIntegerOption(std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, std::string name) | Linker::OutputFormat | |
FetchOption(std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, std::string name) | Linker::OutputFormat | |
FetchOption(std::map< std::string, std::string > &options, std::string name, std::string default_value) | Linker::OutputFormat | |
file_offset (defined in Archive::ArchiveFormat) | Archive::ArchiveFormat | |
file_reader (defined in Archive::ArchiveFormat) | Archive::ArchiveFormat | |
file_reader1_type typedef (defined in Archive::ArchiveFormat) | Archive::ArchiveFormat | |
file_reader_type typedef (defined in Archive::ArchiveFormat) | Archive::ArchiveFormat | |
file_size (defined in Archive::ArchiveFormat) | Archive::ArchiveFormat | |
files (defined in Archive::ArchiveFormat) | Archive::ArchiveFormat | |
Format(offset_t file_offset=0) (defined in Linker::Format) | Linker::Format | inline |
FormatAdditionalSectionFlags(std::string section_name) const (defined in Linker::OutputFormat) | Linker::OutputFormat | virtual |
FormatIs16bit() const | Linker::OutputFormat | virtual |
FormatIsLinear() const | Linker::OutputFormat | virtual |
FormatProvidesLibraries() const | Linker::InputFormat | virtual |
FormatProvidesResources() const | Linker::InputFormat | virtual |
FormatProvidesSegmentation() const | Linker::InputFormat | virtual |
FormatRequiresDataStreamFix() const | Linker::InputFormat | virtual |
FormatSupportsLibraries() const | Linker::OutputFormat | virtual |
FormatSupportsResources() const | Linker::OutputFormat | virtual |
FormatSupportsSegmentation() const | Linker::OutputFormat | virtual |
GenerateFile(std::string filename, Module &module) | Linker::OutputFormat | virtual |
GenerateModule(Linker::ModuleCollector &linker, std::string file_name, bool is_library=false) const override | Archive::ArchiveFormat | virtual |
Linker::InputFormat::GenerateModule(Module &module) const | Linker::InputFormat | virtual |
GetDefaultExtension(Module &module, std::string filename) const | Linker::OutputFormat | virtual |
GetDefaultExtension(Module &module) const | Linker::OutputFormat | virtual |
ImageSize() const override | Archive::ArchiveFormat | virtual |
ProcessModule(Module &object) | Linker::OutputFormat | virtual |
ProduceModule(ModuleCollector &linker, Reader &rd, std::string file_name) | Linker::InputFormat | virtual |
ProduceModule(Module &module, Reader &rd) | Linker::InputFormat | virtual |
ReadFile(Linker::Reader &rd) override | Archive::ArchiveFormat | virtual |
SetFileReader(std::shared_ptr< FileReader > file_reader) (defined in Archive::ArchiveFormat) | Archive::ArchiveFormat | |
SetFileReader(std::shared_ptr< Linker::Image >(*file_reader)(Linker::Reader &rd, offset_t size)) (defined in Archive::ArchiveFormat) | Archive::ArchiveFormat | |
SetFileReader(std::shared_ptr< Linker::Image >(*file_reader)(Linker::Reader &rd)) (defined in Archive::ArchiveFormat) | Archive::ArchiveFormat | |
SetLinkScript(std::string script_file, std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) | Linker::OutputFormat | virtual |
SetModel(std::string model) | Linker::OutputFormat | virtual |
SetOptions(std::map< std::string, std::string > &options) | Linker::OutputFormat | virtual |
SetupOptions(std::shared_ptr< OutputFormat > format) | Linker::InputFormat | virtual |
WriteFile(Linker::Writer &wr) const override | Archive::ArchiveFormat | virtual |
Linker::InputFormat::WriteFile(Writer &wr, offset_t count, offset_t offset=0) const override | Linker::Format | virtual |
~Format()=default (defined in Linker::Format) | Linker::Format | virtual |
~Image()=default (defined in Linker::Image) | Linker::Image | virtual |